How to do reverse kegels to overcome painful sex


I'm sure you've heard of kegels! "Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and then squeeze to keep it strong and prevent urinary incontinence." That's what the blogs, social media, your mama, and maybe even your doctor told you. Honestly, you may have been in middle school or early highschool when people started mentioning how "kegels are so important to keep you tight and strong down there". WRONG!!! I can tell you confidently after treating pelvic floor dysfunction for nearly 10 years that kegels is the last thing you want to do when your pelvic floor is tight!


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I'm sure you've heard of kegels! "Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and then squeeze to keep it strong and prevent urinary incontinence." That's what the blogs, social media, your mama, and maybe even your doctor told you. Honestly, you may have been in middle school or early highschool when people started mentioning how "kegels are so important to keep you tight and strong down there". WRONG!!! 

I can tell you after almost 10 years of treating pelvic floor dysfunction...

More than 70% of those who come to pelvic floor physical therapy who struggle with painful sex, urinary incontinence, vaginismus, constipation, frequent urination, and even the inability to orgasm, also known as anorgasmia...actually have pelvic floor tightness- not looseness!

This means...if you are in that 70%, kegeling would make you worse and not better! At best, it would just keep you exactly where you are. 

Some signs that your pelvic floor muscles are too tight are: painful pelvic exams, difficulty or pain with tampon insertion, painful sex, tailbone, frequent urination, straining with bowel movements, and chronic anxiety. 

Ummmm..if you want to enjoy passionate and pain free, EASY sex (I mean the penis sliding in like melted butter on bread and not forcing things) the boss of your bladder and not schedule your entire day around where there are bathrooms available...and actually poop without giving yourself a headache...spending 30 minutes on the toilet because the muscles around your anus are too tight...then honey, you'll want to actually do the opposite of kegels! 

Essentially a tight pelvic floor is like having your hand squeezed in a fist all day, without even trying- for years. Imagine how much skill, precision, consistency, and encouragement will be needed to get that hand to open up again! That's precisely why having some professional 1 on 1 support for vaginismus and painful sex is GAME CHANGER! It's also You need your fingers and hand to open, lengthen out, and relax in order to prevent cramps, muscle soreness, stiffness, and pain, right? So watch this video below to learn exactly how to do one of the most under-rated exercises out there for vaginismus, painful sex, and vulvodynia! 

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