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Get the latest scoop on overcoming painful intercourse, embracing sexual pleasure, and understanding your vagina!
Can botox actually treat my vaginismus?
If you are feeling frozen with fear during sex, a brick wall during intercourse attempts, or leave your OBGYN appointment in tears- then you've come to the right corner of the internet, friend!
Purity culture describes the expectations and unwritten rules that govern some religious or cultural societies that equate virginity with sexual purity.
How to use dilators at home for vaginismus
Can vaginal dilators actually help you treat your vaginismus from home?
There are three primary ways to get pregnant without actually having full penetration or overcoming vaginismus completely.
Tampon won't go in? Vaginismus could be why
If your tampon is hitting a brick wall, feels like it won't fit, or causes you significant pain upon insertion attempts, you could be dealing with something called vaginismus. Vaginismus is a pelvic floor muscle disorder characterized by significant pelvic floor muscle tightness and usually some fear of pain or fear of vaginal insertion. Without...
Why everyone should be talking about the #1 pelvic floor exercise for painful sex and vaginismus.
At Home Exercises for Pain Free Intercourse
Painful sex is a common issue that women and Vagina CEO's struggle with. But despite it being common, there is a lack of awareness, open conversation, and skilled health care providers who actually know what to do! How many times have you been told to just drink a bottle of wine or just "relax"? Or let me guess, you were...